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Star Confetti

G.R.O.W Mentorship for 
the Dreamers, Designers &

The Deliberately Designed Life Academy will open the doors to a new way to work with me and to become part of a larger community of humans out there taking steps toward building their own unique DDL!

My dream since creating this business has been to build a community of humans who can come together to create, support, grow, challenge, and shift from surviving to thriving! With over 15 years experience as a Registered Clinical Counsellor working with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) my TOOLBOX is overflowing with simple strategies that make HUGE changes in how you do LIFE! And I am thrilled to let you know that February 2024 will be the official launch of the DDL inspired G.R.O.W Mentorship for Dreamers, Designers, and Doers to come together!

Deliberately Designed
Life Academy

Choose your pricing plan

  • Deliberately Designed Life Academy

    Every month
    G.R.O.W Mentorship for Dreamers, Designers, and Doers to come together!
    • Monthly 90 Minute strategy training call
    • Monthly Q&A and accountability call
    • Supportive likeminded community
    • Step by step guidance & support to meet your goals
    • Registered Clinical Counsellor with 15+ years experience
    • Cognitive Behaviour & Solution Focused Therapy strategies
    • Topics include goal setting, life balance, burnout and more
    • ** GST will be added to monthly subscriptions
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